Top 5 Books for Leadership & Professional Development
As healthcare professionals and students get ready to make the next transition in their career paths, I want to take time to highlight 5 books that have changed my viewpoint of leadership and professional development. Whether you’re a student graduating this year, transitioning from student to resident, resident to fellow or resident to first career-position (as an attending physician or pharmacist, etc), lets make intentional decisions to further develop your skillsets.
- Grit by Angela Duckworth – This book highlights perseverance and resiliency as we move forward.
- Mindset by Carol Dweck – This is a great read about how we change between a fixed and growth mindset and how we can change our viewpoints and perceptions to further ourselves.
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek and Find your Why – These are 2 different books but they go hand-in-hand with one another to define your personal WHY so you can more clearly articulate it to those around you (also watch Simon’s TEDTalks on YouTube).
- Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek – My personal favorite from Simon Sinek about leadership and the steps we can take to inspire leadership and trust among our teams. It also has an excellent section on Millennials and what we can do and what leadership can do to better serve each other’s goals and needs.
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo – You may think this is an unusual choice in this list but hear me out. Yes, the main focus of this book is about tidying up and decluttering your home. But the principles and the mindset change that it fosters can be applied to your mental, physical and psychological well-being. I think this process is especially helpful when healthcare professionals/trainees are transitioning from one chapter to another because many items we own may not suit our purposes or spark joy any longer. It’s great to free ourselves of them (and before moving homes or moving between state lines) to help us truly appreciate the next chapter in our lives.
Browse all my Recommendations on my Amazon Shop